An Atmospheric Science PhD Student, who loves to learn.

Kathryn Fowler

I believe learning is a personal journey and the exciting bit is that it never has to end.

On the side of my PhD, I dabble in a bit of water polo. Think I'm meant to refer to myself as a "dual career athlete". All I know is that both as a student and athlete, life has brought it's fair share of highs and lows. Find out a little more about me and my research by following the links.

I have recently had a paper published that introduces the Maxwell-Stefan diffusion framework for an aerosol particle. There is a quick over veiw of a paper in my blog and a link to the whole article can be found there too.

Through this site I wish to share some of my journey and experiences with you, whilst using it as an excuse to work on my coding and writing skills. So bare with me as things are likely to change a lot and often.

And finally a big thank to those who have supported and continue to support me along this journey. I would not be where I am without your support (that means you Mum). Thank you.